Monday, February 16, 2009


How to, reduce/minimize/avoid, abortion:

The majority of abortions
are because of "unintended" pregnancy.

"Unintended" pregnancies are
avoided with birth control and education.

The "Church" must embrace
birth control and education.

Overpopulation is a
serious threat to world peace.

Statistics on "abstinence-only sex education" show
girls are eight times more likely to allow "oral"
and six times more likely to allow "anal".

The "Church", in forbidding birth control,
is promoting overpopulation and ignorance.

The "Church"
must change position.


brad4d said...

Desperation is the dishonesty factor!
The Information Age could create a Service Era that could eradicate desperation, and without desperation, there could be "no abortion by choice!"

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

...and what when the pregnancy is the result of rape? What when birth control fails?

I believe the every woman should have the right to control her own fertility without stigma.

Abortion is far from ideal, if a woman decides on having a pregnancy terminated this will be a decision she will have to live with for the rest of her life.

However I also believe that one of the most wicked things is to bring a child into this world that is not wanted.

I would support any woman who has bravely made such a difficult decision for herself and don't believe that any man has the right to condemn her.

Oberon said...

.....i am pro-choice and pro-life......not anti-abortion.
.....medical procedures are sometimes needed.
....but medical procedures need not take the place of birth control and education.
...and "unintended" pregnancies need not occur for lack of it.
....and yes...every woman has the right to control her own fertility without stigma.....and we should equip her with the tools and knowledge to do so intelligently.

Mother Sharon Damnable said...

.................but once again, it seems the US agenda is very different from what we would find acceptable here.

Mac said...

Abortion should be kept legal, as to have the woman decide to what they think is best. Sometimes it is better to abort the baby and have realize how much pain you would put him or her through, and that death may be better. Or you could give the baby up for adoption, or keep it. Every situation is different. Think about that. Do not limit the options of people, but increase them.