Monday, January 24, 2011

the urge to merge

...the primary human motivations are..., sleep and sex...

...feeble human mores are no match for...

...hunger for food...

...the need to sleep and...

...the urge to merge... will never stop the hormonal tides...

...insemination will result in pregnancies...

...does a zygote rise to the level of "human being?"...

...shall we endow a microscopic cell mass with "full human rights?"

...shall we force every impregnated women to carry to full term and give birth?...

...perhaps we should offer free and available birth control instead and...

...counsel women on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies... one should be using abortion as a form of "birth control"... want to reduce abortions... "loaded words"...

...who wants an abortion?...

...nobody...wants an abortion...

...why do women have abortions?...

...mostly one unwanted pregnancy...

...why are there unwanted pregnancies?...

...the mistake is getting pregnant when you don't want to...

...abstinence, sex education and birth control products...

...are the only ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies...

...shouldn't we employ every practical method to reduce abortions?...

...if you are pro-life or pro-choice you have an obligation to support sex education and the availability of free birth control for the prevention of unwanted addition to this you have an obligation to protest and vote against:

the global arms trade...

the death penalty...

the war machine and all war... reduce abortions we must prevent unwanted pregnancies with:

abstinence education...

detailed sex education...

readily available birth control products for free...

state supported womens clinics for reproductive health...

...abortions have declined worldwide as access to family planning education and contraceptive services has increased.

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